91 Washington Ave
Saugerties NY 12477
Phone: 845 246-4317
Fax: 845 246-0858
Discover. Connect. Grow.
Do you need help with a computer program or app? Schedule a one hour session for one-on-one help with a library professional. Examples of assistance include, setting up an email, applying for a job or filling out governmental forms online, problems with accessing digital materials, or learning how to use an app or program. To set up an appointment, please call 845 246-4317 or email Justyna at jstaccio@saugertiespubliclibrary.org
Magnification Machine
Thank to an assistive technology grant, we have a CCTV viewer in the Information Room. This has a magnifier base with
a screen projector. Any item such as a book, legal document, etc. can be placed under the magnifier and will
appear enlarged on the screen.
Book Bundles
Are you looking for a reading adventure? Would you like to discover an author or story that you may have never noticed before? Fill out our Book Bundles form, and library staff will pick out books in whichever genre you like. When you come to the library to check out the bundle, you can take home what you like, or simply return what you don't.